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Conversation Session # 10 | The Surprising Power of Liberating Structures

Written by Veldhoen + Company | Feb 10, 2019 11:00:00 PM

Unleashing Creativity to Solve Complex Business Problems

So, picture the scene, you’re stood in front of another workshop, the post it notes are out, the problem is framed, you've asked the question, you are poised to get everyone’s great ideas… and there is nothing. Tumbleweed. Blank faces stare back at you. Your heart sinks. Sounds familiar? I know this feeling so well. I hated the sense that workshops would bring for me, that sinking feeling of ‘groundhog day’. My heart was dying a little. I knew the way I was running workshops wasn’t working. People are tired of sitting in meeting rooms being asked for bright ideas and calling it innovation. There had to be a better way, but I didn't know how. Well, I found an answer. One of our colleagues, Allison Tsao shared some work she was connecting with, called Liberating Structures. This work has changed mine, and countless of my workshop participants, lives for the good.


Conversation Session

You are invited to a slightly larger than normal, Conversation Session, to experience the power and potential that Liberating Structures could have for you. We are delighted and very lucky to have this session facilitated by Keith McCandless, the co-founder of the Liberating Structures body of work and co-author of the book by the same name. Come if you are curious, or if you are charged with bringing people together to solve a problem or lead a change; if part of your role is trying to get the ‘best’ out of people and teams; if you, like me, would you like to energise people to adapt and evolve their current ways to become more creative and innovative, Liberating Structures can help make it happen and help you break through boring meeting norms.


When: 25 February 2019, 4 - 6pm

Where: Wilkhahn Showroom, 74 Wentworth Ave, Surry Hills, Sydney, Australia

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A big thanks to Adrian Nicolini, and the team at Wilkhahn for hosting us. It’s a testament to the Wilkhahn team's commitment to creating an inspiring and engaging world of work.


Don't just take our word for it

We leave you with two amazing referrals for Liberating Structures:

A treasure trove of simple, practical methods to stimulate critical conversations and liberate the full potential of any group, from the frontline to the C-suite.

Cheryl M Scott – Global Programs Senior Advisor, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Bringing Liberating Structures into my work is restoring my soul. Thank you.

Deb Witzel – Executive Director (Longmont Community Justice Partnership)


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