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Veldhoen + Company Global
Lichttoren 32
5611 BJ Eindhoven
The Netherlands

+31 88 44 47 222


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Supporting flexibility & performance


There is one ingredient always present in teams and organisations that are 'successful' at Hybrid or Activity Based Working: freedom of choice.

Learn how to support individuals’ freedom to determine when and where to work without compromising team performance and connection.

What Choice Means for ABW & Hybrid Working

Freedom of choice means individuals are empowered to make best use of the opportunities that Activity Based and Hybrid Working offer - flexibility (i.e., work-life balance and wellbeing), and effectiveness (i.e., better focus).

It also means the freedom to counteract the disadvantages of ABW and Hybrid Working - increased sense of separation from colleagues (i.e., isolation and loneliness), and work overload (i.e., difficulty structuring work without clear boundaries).

In order for 'choice' to be successful, it must be adequately supported by a cohesive structure of  Bricks (physical space), Bytes (technology), and Behaviour (culture).

Activity Based Working (individuals making conscious choices about when, where, and with whom to work) and Hybrid Working (working from at least two work locations) are more about the Way of Working than about space and furniture. They are not the same, but they both require the same critical success factor: choice.

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How to support your people

Enhance your hybrid work strategy with ABW through behavioural training and change management support for employees, teams, and leaders.


Supporting Individuals

Are your people struggling with their well-being, productivity, or effectiveness?

It can be challenging to harness the advantages of hybrid working — better focus, better work-life balance, and less commuting — without falling into all the most common pitfalls, like loss of boundaries, sense of loneliness, and being 'always on.'

Some examples of the programmes we offer to better support your people:

  • Healthy Mind Training
  • Workflow Training
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Supporting Teams

ABW is about making conscious choices for when and where to work. However, when individuals make their own choices, the cohesion, confidence, and effectiveness of the team can suffer. Explore new ways for your teams to work together with the following examples of team programmes:
  • Team Maturity Scan + Workshop
  • Team Agreements Canvas
  • Hybrid Working Toolkit
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Supporting Leaders

Managing and leading teams in ABW is not always self-explanatory — it requires a lot of awareness about your role in relation to the conscious individual choices (or lack thereof) made by your team members. Without this awareness, leaders can unintentionally hinder ABW.

Some examples of the programmes we offer to support your managers and leaders:

  • Output Management Training
  • Team Maturity "Train the Trainer"
  • Workplace Capacity Calculator
Veldhoen_supporting leaders to build better ways of working

Explore new ways of working

Get in touch to start the conversation.